Working alone brings with it additional risks that are mitigated – or at least lessened – when working alongside colleagues. Lone workers don’t have the benefit of someone close by to call for help when there’s an emergency, an injury, or a criminal incident. That’s why it’s vital to know how to stay safe.
Female lone workers can be particularly vulnerable, especially when required to work late or leave the office after nightfall. We’ve put together a list of pointers designed to keep all employees safe when you’re lone working, so that everyone can carry out their duties at work – and on the journey to and from work – in safety.
Take care of your ID cards
· Always show your identification card (or business card) or wear it in a prominent position
· Do not allow it out of your possession
· Give the client time to study the ID card when you show it to them
Check for obvious dangers
· If you enter a premises, keep an eye out for things like dogs, or hazard signs
· Park your vehicle in a safe and obvious place, leaving yourself a quick escape route
· Always lock your vehicle
· Only enter a premises when invited and if safe to do so
Be alert
· Remember nobody is invincible – it’s folly to think ‘it will never happen to me’
· Trust your gut – if you feel uneasy or scared, act on your intuition and don’t ignore the warnings
· Walk tall – good posture and balance are positive aids to self-protection and give you an air of self-assurance
· Keep your mind focused on your surroundings and be aware of your environment
Avoid putting yourself at risk
· Don’t give your home telephone number or your address to clients
· Avoid after-hours appointments
· Don’t get into a lift with anyone who makes you feel uneasy
If you are a PSS Operative or Contractor, for more information on how to stay safe please refer to the lone working section of the PSS health and safety policy. This will be available within the premises site file or on request from your line manager.