PSS & GUK Partake In a Beach Clean-up

PSS and GUK recently took part in a London Beach clean organised by Jones Lang Lasalle to help reduce the litter on the beach and waterways.  A simple and effective way to stop litter including; tyres, bottles, glass, batteries, wires, shards of metals and plastic entering and contaminating the beach and waterway environment and the animal inhabitants of the area.

Plastic waste in particular is littering our land and waterway environments threatening the lives of many marine animals and birds.  Many animals are sadly becoming sick and dying because of this deadly environmental concern.  PSS and Guarding UK were only too happy to volunteer our time to play a part in removing waste from the London beach contributing to the vital cause of reducing the fatal environment impact litter is causing.  We look forward to continuing this extremely necessary effort to protect our planet with future events!

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavour to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.

Head Office - Ongar
  • 3 Bansons Yard
  • High Street
  • Ongar
  • Essex
  • CM5 9AA
London West End Office
  • 3rd Floor
  • 14 - 18 Heddon Street
  • London
  • W1B 4DA